Contrary to low-intensity cardio training, we have high-intensity power training, such as weight lifting, bodyweight training and high intensity interval training.
The exertion during this type of training is high and the main adaptations result in increased muscular strength, explosiveness, strength endurance and last but not least, muscle size.
When training with high intensity, you mainly engage the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which were designed for high-intensity performance, explosiveness, force production and strength.
These fibers have the highest power output & potential for growth, which is why, in the context of getting stronger, activating these bad boys will be your main goal!
High-intensity training makes the body use adenosine triphosphate (ATP), muscle creatine & muscle glycogen (stored carbs), to sustain muscular contraction.
The energy release during high-intensity training does NOT require oxygen to occur.
This type of training results in increased maximum strength, strength endurance, explosiveness and hypertrophy (muscle growth).