
The Art of Living: Getting Back to the Natural Rhythm of Human Life – The Challenge – The Challenge

Okay, so you just learned that light exposure, stress levels and sleep patterns are the 3 primary factors that affect your circadian rhythms, and in turn your biochemistry, health and fitness.

So with that in mind, it’s time to get to the actionable part of this e-book – The challenge itself!

Below, you will find our 4 challenges for you, which mainly relate to your habitual life.

Wake Up Early

The first and most important thing to take care of in the context of fine-tuning your body to its natural rhythms, is your sleep cycle!

We’re overloaded with information, things to do and things to think about, 24/7, which can disrupt our ability to fall into deep sleep.

A bad night’s sleep, paired with waking up late, will simply disrupt your natural rhythms.

So your first checkpoint, is to start rising with the sun, and exposing yourself to sun light!

At first it may feel weird, because you’re drastically changing your schedule, but trust us when we tell you that with time, you will feel a significant difference.

Establish A Bedtime Routine

Waking up early is tough for many people – That’s a given.

But one of the best ways to make a habit out of it, is to establish a bedtime routine.

This can include yoga, stretching, relaxing music, or any other activities that put your mind at ease.

The most important thing with this routine, is to take your thoughts away from the loads of information widely available during the day.

Remember – Bedtime is a time for rest and recovery, not a time to work and process information.

Dive into the relaxation and let yourself fall deeply asleep, for sleep is the deepest form of recovery.

Watch Your Thoughts

Speaking of intrusive thoughts close to bedtime, the third challenge we have for you is to watch your thought process!

As we mentioned early on, stress is one of the biggest disruptors of our natural rhythms.

However, one of the most common reasons for stress nowadays, is the thoughts and emotional reactions we have in response to certain, not-so-important factors.

So with this third part of our challenge, we invite you to simply watch your thoughts and stay aware of … Your awareness!

Remember that 95% of the thoughts and actions we have and take on every single day, are driven by a pattern.

So really, they are not a product of your free will, and are oftentimes, self-sabotaging behaviors.

In your daily life, stay aware of your thoughts and reactions to certain events (i.e your boss yelling at you.)

When you spot a negative, stress-inducing thought that leads to a behavior, choose not to identify yourself with it, and make a choice different than that, coded in your reaction pattern.

Control Screentime

Sleep is not a luxury, but rather a vital necessity for our health and well-being. 

As you learned, in order to fine-tune your natural rhythm, you need to have enough time of rest during the night so that you can function properly during daytime.

But insomnia and other sleep-related disorders are on the rise, so what do you do to improve sleep quality?

The simplest thing you could do would be limit your screentime because when you’re using screens (TV, computer) at night time they emit blue light which changes your circadian rhythms as well as suppressing melatonin production – this leads to difficulty falling and staying asleep.

But you already learned this early on in the e-book, so here’s for the actionable advice – Make it a habit to go to sleep WITHOUT your phone or laptop in the bedroom.

Make it just about you and the darkness, because darkness is what signals the body that it’s time to fall (and stay) asleep!

And vice versa, in the morning, when sunlight goes through your eyelids, that is a signal for the body that it’s time to wake up

Final Thoughts

The natural rhythm of human life is something that has been lost in the modern world.

Between work, stress, and technology, we have become out of tune with our own bodies.

However, there are ways to get back in touch with the natural rhythm of life and find a sense of peace and balance.

This can be done through exercise, outdoor activities, sun exposure, bedtime routines and most of all – Self awareness!

Taking time for yourself each day to connect with your true self can help you find the peace and grounding you need to live a healthy, happy life.

We hope you found this e-book useful and as always, if you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us!

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