
The Love For Exercise Challenge – Behind The Challenge – Why Even Exercise?

There is no question that exercise is one of the best things anyone can do for their body.

Not only does regular physical activity help to improve overall health and wellness, it also has a host of other benefits, including improved cognitive function and increased physical ability.

Perhaps most importantly, the positive effects of exercise are cumulative, meaning that the more a person exercises, the better they will feel in every aspect of their life.

While many people may be intimidated by the idea of starting an exercise routine, there are plenty of ways to get started without feeling overwhelmed.

For example, you could start by taking a brisk walk every day or joining a sports team with friends.

No matter what form your exercise takes, it will have a profound impact on your body and mind for years to come.

So why not get started? With just a little bit of effort and determination, you can reap all the amazing benefits that come from becoming more active!

And in this little challenge, we have your first 3 weeks of training outlined and ready for you to implement, so stay tuned and keep reading as we unveil the routine in just a bit!

Where Most Fail

When it comes to exercise, there is no shortage of advice or opinions on what works best.

Some people swear by high-intensity workouts, while others prefer a more moderate approach.

However, regardless of the workout style that you choose, success in any kind of training plan ultimately depends on one thing: your ability to sustain it over the long haul.

At first glance, this may not seem like a particularly difficult concept to grasp.

After all, most people can pull off a few weeks or months of going to the gym regularly or hitting the pavement for daily runs.

But once life begins to get busy, and stress levels rise at work or at home, maintaining that consistency suddenly becomes much harder.

And this is where most people fall short.

They start off strong with their training plan and then lose momentum as time goes on.

So how can we overcome this tendency towards inactivity and stay on track with our training?

In my experience as a personal trainer, I have found that setting smaller goals within the overall plan helps tremendously in staying motivated and committed over time.

For example, rather than just focusing on increasing your workout duration each week or aiming for a certain number of reps each session, you could set checkpoints for yourself, such as hitting one specific marker like a 5 km run distance by month 3 or upping your weights by a certain amount by month 6.

This way, you are always pushing yourself forward without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated if things don’t come together as quickly as expected.

Ultimately, it comes down to recognizing that exercise is not just something you do periodically when you feel like it.

Rather, it should be viewed as part of an ongoing journey toward a healthier body and mind.

With dedication and commitment, great things can be achieved – even if they take some time!

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